Missions and the Mission of God
C. H. Wright has said, “Mission is not just one of a list of things that the Bible happens to talk about, only a bit more urgently than some…, the whole Bible is itself a ‘missional’ phenomenon.” In this six-week class we will try to unpack what Wright meant as we seek to see the mission of God in the Old and New Testaments. We will examine missional theology and an overview of the history of missions through the modern world. We will also highlight some of the current missionaries supported by our church. As we work through this brief survey, may we each see how God’s mission calls each of us.
The Upper Room Discourse (John 13-16)
What was on Jesus’ heart as he faced the cross to bear the full measure of God’s wrath against sin? His heart was fixed on his disciples, preparing them for what they would experience in the days that would follow and for a lifetime of ministry. As we eavesdrop on this intimate gathering of Jesus and the disciples in this upper room hours before his humiliation, we too will be assured of Jesus’ love and presence with us and strengthened for the days in which we live.
6th Grade Communicants Class
The goal of this 6-week class is to affirm the faith of our 6th-grade children and provide age-appropriate instruction from the Scriptures and the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms. Because of the significant role parents play in the spiritual formation of their child, at least one parent/guardian is expected to participate alongside the child. After completing this class, children will have the opportunity to profess their faith in Christ before the elders and declare their faith by participating in communion in the worship service as full communing members of our church.